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Mira, You're such a miracle maker. Thank you for making me realize my passion while playing with ideas and having me connect with my inner light. In the beginning of our session, you asked me what would be a win for me. Well, to answer your question, I won by meeting you and gaining clarity on my game and passion! ...Now, on to work on my business strategy to make this world a better place... Thank You, Mira, I wish you to keep setting the world on fire for everyone, who may need it, like you did for me.

Alisa Serdyuk

My Business Empire


In the first few minutes of our first session, the deep and heart hurting grief I had over the loss of a dear, dear pet that had been with me for more than two years - lifted and has never returned . After that we addressed long- standing issues affecting my marriage and my closed heart and we shifted attitudes around sharing my business with prospective customers. Mira’s work is a life changer. It has enabled me to be more effective in my life and in my business by releasing negative emotions, beliefs and behaviors.

BJ Khalsa

Co-Founder Yogi Choice


The gifts Mira gives you are dynamic and profound. Her healing technique is unique and instantly effective. I only needed one session and the issue was resolved. Then there is her amazing coaching skills that I like to call "extreme wisdom and insight'. So if you're ready for truth and transformation . . .

GuruSimran Khalsa

Life Coach, Teacher, Yogi


Mira combines the Core Connection process with other general coaching skills using great compassion, insight, and effectiveness. I highly recommend her to anyone who is ready for positive change. She helped me immensely in overcoming blocks to success within myself, which I hadn't even known existed!

Rose Quinby


Mira - I call her the 'Miracle Woman' because she has the gift to bring out the best in people! Through her fast and powerful Core Connection Process she helped me to release outdated beliefs, which sabotaged reaching my full potential. Mira's coaching skills have had a tremendous positive and direct impact on my business as well as my personal life. Core Connection combined with her insights, wit and compassion form a powerful support system for me. Mira is truly a gift from the heavens and I am finding a deeper purpose, mission, passion and joie de vivre. I'm truly amazed how fast things are manifesting and dreams are coming true with her coaching.

Yvonne S. Parker
President - Parker and Parker Art


Mira is a truly gifted & phenomenally intuitive healer!! After several of her “Core Connection” sessions, she has effected incredibly deep & profound emotional shifts within my core being that were, for FAR too long, casting some deep shadows across many life facets.

In working with her, I have released a multitude of deep-rooted subconscious fears, especially related to judgements from friends and family among others, to essentially reclaim more of the essence of my TRUE being, before these debilitating self-doubt & criticisms were planted in childhood. She has enabled me, for the first time ever in my life, to more fully engage with people I encounter, both in personal and professional arenas. I am forever grateful that Mira has entered my life!!

Tracy Starpoint Powers

Intuitive Business Hypnotherapist


Mira is one of those wise and luminous people who naturally brings out the best in others. If you have the opportunity to work with her, I highly recommend that you do so!

Ginny Trierweiler

Thin for Good

Tari Shackter Spitalny.jpg

I just finished my session with Mira. It was very easy for me to open up to her which can sometimes be an obstacle... Mira helped me realize that it all starts with my thoughts. My chaos in my head is all mine- Sometimes just quieting the mind is all I really need to do.. and something as little as that and for a minute of my time can really pull my pieces together. Grateful for our session - Thank you 

Tari Shackter Spitalny

Community Coordinator at Eye Am Spiritual


Mira cares deeply about the people she works with. Every moment spent with her is at a deep connection level and she works at creating breakthrough moments to help you succeed in life.

Lea Brovedani

The Trust Architect


Mira supported me to clear some past issues quite quickly.

Shirley McDougall

CEO BodyTalk-Health




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