A unique mix of social entrepreneur, talented creative, and coaching genius, Mira Rubin is a visionary following her heart and her calling to create a world that works—while guiding and supporting others in manifesting their dreams. Trained in NLP, hypnosis and applied kinesiology, Mira developed the Core Connection Process, a transformational modality that she integrates in her work with coaching clients to affect profound, rapid and lasting change.
After a lifetime in search of meaning, in November of 2017 Mira connected with her life’s purpose: to mainstream sustainable practices around the world. Her vision is to create Project EcoPark, a sustainability World’s Fair of sorts, on the scale of the Disney franchises globally.
The EcoPark is a place where people can experience and learn about all kinds of sustainable solutions related to housing, food, energy, waste, water, health, economics and consciousness; with consciousness being an essential component. The EcoPark showcases all manner of sustainable building styles, green energy solutions, food production modalities, hands-on workshops, dynamic programming, themed pavilions, a broadcast studio, a business incubator and resident green businesses. The EcoPark is a model of what’s possible. It’s a global resource center, a prototype for sustainable living that provides education, inspiration and solutions that people can take back to and implement in their communities.

As a strategic first step toward achieving her vision, Mira started the Sustainability Now podcast with her business partner, Scott Bille. Focused on the pillars of sustainability to be exemplified in the EcoPark, the podcast shares hope and sustainability tools, practices and paradigms to shape a world that works. (https://www.sustainabilitynow.global)
Consciousness being an integral part of her sustainability mission, Mira empowers people to know that they make a difference, that their voices matter and that their unique gifts were given to be shared with the world. She believes that finding one’s unique mission and purpose is the call of the soul and the singularly most important and impactful quest any human can undertake. Supporting her clients in rising to this call is the primary focus of her coaching.
Both educator, and artist, Mira spent the 18 years prior to Sustainability Now teaching design and development of interactive, e-Learning, print and web content for her training center, Mira Images, Inc. During that time, she did technical writing, spoke at multiple professional conferences and authored two highly acclaimed texts.